Video: If Gaza got gas, the World turns its back on Sderot
Yesterday alone, over 73 trucks and 440,000 liters of gasoline was poured into the Gaza Strip as international aid. Since September 1st, over 448 truckloads of international aid including over 1,320,000 liters of gasoline have been given to the Gaza Strip. Since the end of Operation Cast Lead on January 18th, now over 2,000 truckloads of far more than 37,000 tons of humanitarian aid has been delivered to the Gaza Strip.
While sitting for hours watching truck after truck drive in and out of the Gaza Strip, over the phone with Dr. Adriana Katz, director of three of the mental health and trauma centers in Sderot told how there is no change in the lack of budget for the closing Sderot centers. The Emergency Center in Sderot was shut down this past July, and the director of the Sderot Trauma Center, Dalia Yosef, has been let go, and the area's four remaining centers are all set to be closed by December 1st.
Jacob Shrybmanfor Sderot Media Center