The jewish cemetery and the pig's head

Next to the pig's head, discovered on Monday morning, was a sheet daubed in blood-red liquid with the words "6 Million Lies", a reference to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.Broken glass had also been thrown at the cemetery gate.Police said they were investigating.
Another Jewish cemetery in the nearby city of Erfurt was also desecrated with red liquid smeared on its entrance, the German newspaper reported. So far there aren't any suspects for either incident.
Michel Friedman, a lawyer and former vice-president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, described the the attacks as a "criminal act against the Jewish faith'' and "dirty anti-Semitism.'' Around 750 Jews live in the state of Thuringia where the attacks took place.“These attacks represent terror that must be punished with the full force of the law,” Dieter Althaus, the state’s Prime Minister was quoted as saying.
About 120,000 Jews live in Germany. Earlier this month Germany marked with solemn ceremonies the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht when Jewish shop fronts were smashed, synagogues set on fire and Jewish men rounded up in 1938 in what was a prelude to the Holocaust.