Olmert sur l'Iran: "Israel peut faire très mal"

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Le Premier ministre israélien sortant Ehud Olmert a lancé une mise en garde à l'Iran au lendemain de l'annonce de l'achèvement de la construction de la première centrale nucléaire iranienne. "Nous sommes un pays fort, très fort, nous disposons de capacités (militaires) dont il est difficile d'imaginer l'étendue et l'intensité", a affirmé Olmert, dont les propos ont été diffusés par la radio Kol Israel.
"Nous avons déployé d'énormes efforts pour renforcer notre force de dissuasion. Israël saura se défendre dans toutes les situations, contre toutes les menaces, contre tout ennemi, je ne peux pas en dire plus, mais croyez-moi je sais ce dont je parle", a ajouté le Premier ministre.
Selon les experts étrangers, Israël s'est doté d'un arsenal nucléaire mais l'Etat hébreu n'a jamais reconnu disposer d'un tel armement.
Un responsable russe a annoncé mercredi l'achèvement de la construction par la Russie de la première centrale nucléaire iranienne à Bouchehr (sud). Peu après cette annonce, le ministre de la Défense israélien Ehud Barak a appelé les Etats-Unis à durcir les sanctions contre Téhéran.
Faisant allusion à une éventuelle option militaire contre le programme nucléaire iranien, Barak a souligné que son pays considère "la poursuite du projet atomique iranien comme un danger potentiel pour l'existence de l'Etat d'Israël".

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Et l'Europe propose de renforcer ses sanctions, en l'utilisant comme arme à la disposition d'Obama<br /> Report: EU trio proposes tougher list of Iran sanctions<br /> Financial Times says confidential document drafted by France, Germany and UK lists 34 Iranian entities and 10 individuals believed to be linked to covert nuclear or biological weapons programs<br /> Reuters <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Published: <br /> 02.26.09, 11:10 / Israel News<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> France, Germany and Britain are proposing a tough list of additional sanctions to be imposed against Iran over its nuclear program, the Financial Times newspaper reported on Thursday.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nuclear Program<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Iran's nuke chief to announce 'good news' in April  / Dudi Cohen<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Iran to install total of 50,000 centrifuges in next five years, official says<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Full Story<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> A confidential document seen by the Financial Times and Italian newspaper Il Riformista lists 34 Iranian entities and 10 individuals believed to be linked to covert nuclear or biological weapons programs, the report added.<br /> <br /> European diplomats gave differing interpretations of the reasons behind the list, the FT said.<br /> <br /> Some said it was intended to provide US President Barack Obama's administration with a "bigger stick" option in continuation of the existing carrot-and-stick approach towards Iran.<br /> <br /> Others said the three European Union nations wanted to influence a more hardline outcome of Washington's review of its Iran policy expected to be completed next month.<br /> <br /> Obama has said the United States is prepared to talk to Tehran, in a break from his predecessor's approach, but his administration has also warned of tougher sanctions if Iran refuses to halt its nuclear work.<br /> <br /> The EU trio together with the United States, China and Russia comprise a group of world powers trying to resolve a stand-off with Iran over its nuclear program.<br /> <br /> Western powers suspect Iran's nuclear program is aimed at building an atomic bomb. Tehran says it is purely for peaceful power generation.<br /> <br /> The United Nations Security Council has imposed three rounds of sanctions on Iran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment.<br /> <br /> All the individuals on the new EU-wide sanctions proposal face penalties for the first time, the report said. They include the commander and deputy head of the paramilitary Basij force, it added.State-run organizations named for the first time include Sharif University of Technology, Iran Insurance Company, Iran Air Cargo, Iran Space Agency and Razi Institute for Serum and Vaccine Production.<br /> <br /> Six banks and their Tehran headquarters are named, including Bank Tejarat, one of Iran's largest commercial banks, for the first time.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Un simple aperçu :<br /> <br /> Israël a mis au point un drone-"tueur" de systèmes anti-missiles de type S-300<br /> <br /> <br /> Israël disposerait désormais d'un nouveau drone, le Harop, capable d'anéantir tout le système anti-missile S-300, qui n'a, d'ailleurs pas encore été obtenu à grands frais de publicité par l'Iran auprès de son mentor russe, repoussant la date de livraison. On sait, par ailleurs, que les Russes sont particulièrement intéressés à passer un marché avec les industries aériennes israéliennes, pour étoffer leur flotte de drones, désormais vétustes et inefficaces, comme l'a démontré leur campagne en Géorgie.<br /> Cet anéantissement des défenses iraniennes interviendrait avant même que le S-300 ne passe en mode "attaque". Alors même que le contrat irano-russe de 800 millions de $ n'a pas encore été honoré, la Turquie et l'Inde, vivement intéressés par le nouveau drone-tueur israélien, se bousculent déjà au portillon de l'IAI pour s'en doter. Nouvelle version hyper-sophistiquée, opérant par des capteurs électro-optiques, le Harop neutralise aussi bien les installations-radar que les systèmes anti-missiles qui lui sont connectés. Il serait capable d'ouvrir la voie à un raid aérien d'ampleur massive.<br /> New Israel killer drone can take out Iran's S-300 anti-air missile<br /> DEBKAfile Special Report<br /> February 25, 2009, 10:20 AM (GMT+02:00)<br /> <br /> Israeli drone can hit anti-air missile before its activation<br /> <br /> The Israeli air industries first unveiled its new Harop "loiter drone" for taking out ground-to-air missiles at the annual Aero-India 2009 air show which closed recently at Bangalore.<br /> The Iranian media were first to disclose that this sophisticated Israeli drone is capable of targeting the Russian radar-equipped S-300 anti-air missile before it enters attack mode .<br /> DEBKAfile's military sources report that while Iran has contracted to buy from Russia five S-300 batteries worth $800 m to defend its nuclear sites against potential aerial attack, India and Turkey are interested in Israel's Harop killer-drone. Our sources report that the Tehran media made much of the new Israeli drone as a means of pushing Moscow to set the new batteries' delivery dates which the Russian suppliers have so far withheld.<br /> The Harop is an upgraded version of the Harpy with more advanced features for taking out radar installations and anti-air missile installations. It can travel 1,000 km to patrol an assigned area and loiter there until a hostile target is exposed. Its 23-kilo warhead then strikes the target before it is activated in attack mode.<br /> The Russian S-300 missile purchased by Tehran is one such target. It is classified in the West as a "game-changer" designed to rule out air attacks on its nuclear sites. This missile system is capable of engaging up to 100 targets at once, tracking targets with a mobile radar station which is immune to jamming.<br /> The Harop is an expendable unmanned aerial vehicle which can sustain a mission of several hours over an assigned area. Operated by electro-optical sensors, Harop can detect weapons systems in inert mode, weapons on the move and radar installations switched off to avoid detection.<br /> Our military experts maintain that once it penetrates Iranian airspace, this drone can silence surface-to-air batteries and open the skies to aerial and missile attack.<br />